On Numerical Stability of Iterative Methods for Solving Large Scale Linear Algebraic Systems (Abstract for the PANM 13 in Honor of Prof. Ivo Babuska) Zdenek Strakos, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague The process of numerical solution of real-world problems typically consists of several stages. After describing the problem in a mathematical language, its proper reformulation and discretization, the resulting algebraic problem has to be solved. We focus on this last stage, and specifically consider numerical stability of iterative methods for solving linear systems. In iterative methods, rounding errors have two main effects: They can delay convergence and they can limit the attainable accuracy. The goal of numerical stability analysis is to find algorithms and their parts that are safe (numerically stable), and to identify algorithms and their parts that are not. We consider different implementations of the generalized minimal residual method (GMRES), with different choices of the bases and orthogonalization techniques. We will analyze their numerical behavior and explain, why a wrong basis, though computed with the maximal possible accuracy, can make the implementation inherently unstable. Here we do not deal with trivial examples, but with implementations used in practical computations, where the source of the trouble is revealed after a thorough analysis. The contribution will close with a very recent solution of the classical problem: the modified Gram-Schmidt implementation of the GMRES method is proved backward stable. This contribution will present results obtained in collaboration with C. C. Paige, McGill University, M. Rozloznik, UI AV CR and J. Liesen, TU Berlin.